
VapeWare Mods (VWM) - "NextEra" RTA

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The "NextEra" RTA by VapeWare Mods (VWM)

The NextEra rebuildable tank atomizer is the first bottom feed capable atomizer by VWM, and it is also their first atomizer that can accept cotton as well as mesh for the wick!

Incredible flavour, incredible machining, and buttery smooth threading and component interfaces are all hallmarks of VapeWare Mods, and the NextEra does not disappoint, with its unique looks and air flow adjustment system that allows for a wide range of air flow options, from fully closed down mouth-to-lung vaping, to wide open lung hits.

Includes both a solid pin to use as a standard RDTA, as well as a bottom feed pin to use on bottom feed devices. The bottom feed outlet hole is located at the top of the tank reservoir, so squeezing your bottom feed device into this tank will completely fill it for puff after puff of juicy vape!

Quadrant (PC1000) tank is more resistant to known aggressive tank cracking liquids, but not 100% resistant. Use with caution.

Easy to build deck allows for single vertical coil installation, which can easily accept cotton or mesh as the wicking material. Unique wick hole design allows for perfect wicking, every time.

WARNING: It is highly recommend that you fully clean out this product before the first time you use it. While the factory does a decent job at removing dust, shavings, machining lubricants and greases, there is still the potential for trace elements to remain, and it is best recommended that you do an additional cleaning to meet your standard of cleanliness.

DISCLAIMER: Polycarbonate and acrylic components are prone to cracking when exposed to aggressive liquids such as (but are not all inclusive of this list) cinnamon, banana, menthol, anise, licorice, and citrus based liquids. While this product is made from a high grade of polycarbonate (Quadrant PC1000), there is no guarantee it can resist cracking against such liquids, and Vapes by Enushi will not provide any type of warranty against damage from these types of liquids.

DISCLAIMER: Rebuildable atomizers are for experienced vapers with access to meters and a working knowledge of Ohms Law, Watts Law, battery safety, and how general electricity works. Please ensure care is taken as to not cause damage nor harm to the atomizer, your battery, the vaping device, yourself, others, or personal property.

Vapes by Enushi is not responsible for misuse of product, or dangerously low coil builds. Vapes by Enushi is not liable for the use of improper batteries for your builds.