
Psyclone Mods - "Hadeon Black Delrin Cap" Hadaly Style For Entheon

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The Hadeon Black Delrin Cap Hadaly Style for Entheon by Psyclone Mods

This is the new Hadeon top cap in black Delrin which is compatible with the Entheon RDA, giving it a style and air flow like the Hadaly, and creating the hybrid "Hadeon".

WARNING: It is highly recommend that you fully clean out this product before the first time you use it. While the factory does a decent job at removing dust, shavings, machining lubricants and greases, there is still the potential for trace elements to remain, and it is best recommended that you do an additional cleaning to meet your standard of cleanliness.

Vapes by Enushi is not responsible for misuse of product, or dangerously low coil builds. Vapes by Enushi is not liable for the use of improper batteries for your builds.