MISSION XV - MISSION IGNITION: BOOSTER Tip (Integrated Billet Box Thread)
MISSION IGNITION: Booster Tips (Integrated) by MISSION XV
The next evolution to MISSION TIPS.
With integrated threading to connect with all devices that have standard Billet Box threading.
Purchase additional Top Sleeves here: https://vapesbyenushi.com/mission-xv-cosmos-sleeve-for-booster-tip/.
BOOSTER TIPS is totally brand new, and the successor to the popular MISSION TIPS that took over two years ago!
BOOSTER TIPS gives you airflow bore customizations like the MISSION TIPS but with more options for customization and functionality.
Three variations exist for this release:
- Clear - Translucent tip, with black cage
- Full Black - Black Delrin tip, with black cage
- Natural - Translucent tip, with clear anodized (silver) cage
BOOSTER TIP features:
- Customizable midpiece and tip (tons of color variations)
- More colors and materials, no more Teflon
- Updated threading
- Updated base without a bottom O-ring to reduce connectivity issues
- Lock locators for the base which allows you to tighten your tip better with the mid-piece. Alternatively, there are coin slots to further tighten your tip if you wish.
- 4.5mm bore with removed reducer, comes with 3mm, 2mm and 1.5mm AF reducers.
WARNING: It is highly recommend that you fully clean out this product before the first time you use it. While the factory does a decent job at removing dust, shavings, machining lubricants and greases, there is still the potential for trace elements to remain, and it is best recommended that you do an additional cleaning to meet your standard of cleanliness.