Infinity Mods x SunBox - Cappy V5-PRO GO Silicone Bottles with Game Over 3 RAPIDO Connector
Brand : I'M Infinity Mods x SunBox
Cappy V5-PRO GO Silicone Bottles by Infinity Mods x SunBox
The Cappy V5-PRO GO by Infinity Mods and Sunbox is an Italian-made silicone squonk bottle system with a "RAPIDO CONNECTOR" proprietary cap design and integrated stainless steel liquid feed tube that has the components to fit the Game Over 350 as well as Game Over 3 devices by Sunbox / Infinity Mods.
This particular kit comes with all of the "head" hardware to allow it to fit both "V5-PRO" as well as "V5-PRO GO" devices.
V5-PRO fits the Game Over 360, Thalia Pro, Musa Scream, LV 246, and LV 426+ (with Rapido connection). The design of this RAPIDO Connection Catch Cup offers the most compact connection method on the market.
V5-PRO GO fits BFly latest edition (with Rapido Connection), Game Over 3, Game Over A, Game Over S, Game Over LE, and V2 later editions (with Rapido connection).
A special design 316 AISI stainless steel feeder tube inside the bottle ensures the maximum control on liquid flow and cleanest flavour.
The Rapido Connector system is a convenient and practical connection "head" that allows users to very easily and quickly extract and reinsert the bottle for the filling, or if wanting to swap the bottle between devices, can be done quickly and easily.
Note: Images shown of the V5-Basic version with silicone hose inserted is for demonstration purposes only, and both the hardware as well as the silicone hose are NOT included in this sales listing. This sales listing is only for the PRO and PRO GO variants.