BXR Boro Mod by Hussar Vapes
The Hussar BXR is Hussar's first foray into the Boro Tank world, featuring a compact size and ergonomically placed high side fire button.
Hussar BXR Dimensions:
- Height: 81.5 mm
- Width: 54.6 mm
- Depth: 24 mm
- Weight (SS): 142g
- Weight (Aluminium): 100g
Hussar BXR Features:
- Chipset: Evolv DNA60
- Battery: 18650
- Side-Fire Button
- All Parts are Custom Made for BXR exclusively
- Works with Billet Box Integrated/Hybrid Drip Tips
- Single assembly screw on the outside of the box to keep a clean design
- Compatible with any Boro Tank
Hussar BXR SS Materials:
- 304L Stainless Steel bottom and top Plates.
- 304L Stainless Steel Tank Cover Plate
- 304L Stainless Steel Buttons
- Delrin body
- Gold Plated Brass Contacts for best conductivity
Hussar BXR Aluminum Materials:
- Anodized aluminum Bottom and Top Plates
- Anodized aluminum Tank Cover Plate
- Delrin buttons
- Delrin body
Made entirely in Poland using only best, locally sourced materials.
Notes on Black Delrin:
Black Delrin, when media blasted, has may appear to look chalky and grey when sitting dry for long periods of time. This is witnessed more frequently when not used for long periods of time, as your natural hand oils and condensation from vapour will keep the body moisturized. From time to time, you may use some e-liquid on a rag to wipe across the body to condition it and restore a rich black luster. For this same reason, the black Delrin versions may arrive to you looking "wet". We can assure you these units are not used. Rather, they have been conditioned with some 100% unflavoured vegetable glycerin prior to shipment so that when you receive it, you are presented with a rich black device. Regular usage of the device will minimize the body from drying into a chalky grey look.