
Taifun - GT IV S (GT4S) 2mL Short Tank Kit

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2mL Short Tank Kit for the Taifun GT IV S by Taifun

2mL Short Tank Kit for the Taifun GT IV S.

Reduced size tank kit to deliver a smaller profile of your Taifun GT4S! Reduces the overall height by a bit over 5.6mm.

Lowers the liquid capacity from 3.5mL (standard), to 2mL.

XS Nano Drop Tank Conversion Kit

  • 5
    i know people are turned off from the 2ml

    Posted by andrew b valdoz on 2021 Jun 27th

    i know people are turned off from the 2ml but imho its totally worth it!! this tank makes the gt4s even smaller! its great! it looks so dainty but yet still looks so mean! its beautiful! i love smokerstores products! not to mention the gt4s XS tank fixes ALOT of the gt4s problems! idk why! but i have less problems with this then the full gt4s tank. the juice flow control works better and the top cap comes off easier with out accidently unscrewing the chimney!